Saif Gaddafi’s House (allegedly)

BBC reports today that squatters have taken over a house at 7 Winnington Close, LONDON N2 0UA, allegedly belonging to Saif Gaddaffi. In the interests of full disclosure here is the title and confirmation that the property is owned by Capitana Seas Ltd, a company registered in the British Virgin Islands. The house was bought for £10 million on 11 May 2009.
Thetitle provides a c/oaddress of Speechly Bircham LLP, 6 New Street Square, LONDON EC4A 3LX. They claim to be “one of the ten leading firms in the world” for “International tax & wealth restructuring” Under “Experience” they claim
Advising various Middle East billionaires on prime residential and commercial properties purchased in London, some with Sharia compliant funding.”
How many more dictators with blood on their hands does this wonderful example of London’s financial community assist?