Aberdeen Lecture
I will be giving a public lecture in Aberdeen on Thursday 1 March 2012. All welcome. Download LARGE poster here 6.2Mb)
Continue reading…the blog and website of Andy Wightman
I will be giving a public lecture in Aberdeen on Thursday 1 March 2012. All welcome. Download LARGE poster here 6.2Mb)
Continue readingThis morning, I gave evidence at the Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee of the Scottish Parliament as part of their Stage 1 scrutiny of the Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Bill (see previous posts for further info). One question asked related
Continue readingUnion Bridge in1807. Reproduced by kind permission of University of Aberdeen ABDUA 30581 A year ago I was asked to undertake investigations into the history of the Union Terrace Gardens in Aberdeen on behalf of the Friends of Union Terrace
Continue readingThe Scottish Government has re-introduced its Long Leases Bill which fell in the last Session of Parliament when it ran out of time. See previous posts on topic here and here and my written evidence to previous Bill Committee. Put
Continue readingFurther to my previous blogs on this topic, I have today submitted my written evidence to the Energy, Economy and Tourism Committee of the Scottish Parliament as part of their Stage 1 scrutiny of the Bill. In addition to the
Continue readingBENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP The Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Bill was introduced to Parliament on 1 December (see previous three posts). In this, the final blog on the topic, I want to highlight the issue of beneficial ownership. Two days after the
Continue readingResidents of Alyth marching to the Hill of Alyth Common to defend their land against encroachment 24 July 1949. COMMONS The Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Bill was introduced to Parliament on 1 December (see previous two posts). In this, the
Continue readingLAND GRABBING The Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Bill was introduced to Parliament on 1 December with no publicity by the Scottish Government for its fifth piece of legislation of the current session (see previous post). As it stands, it is
Continue readingIt is long past time that I revisited the topic of the Crown Estate. (see previous posts for further background) since much has been happening over the past few months. First of all, a bit of background. The Crown Estate
Continue readingThe Whin Park controversy (see previous post) is merely the latest of a number of controversies brewing across Scotland in relation to common good land. In Perth, the Council is proposing to demolish the Perth City Hall. Amidst all the
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