Ordnance Survey – victory at last (well nearly)

For the last few years a growing number of people have been calling for the easing of the complex and restrictive licensing terms imposed by the Ordnance Survey for use of their digital maps. I have had my own horror story with them over the use of maps on the Who Owns Scotland website.

The Government has announced [broken link – Nov 2023] that at long last these restrictions will be lifted for some important datasets. All credit to the Free Our Data campaign and Charles Arthur who have led this fight. Data available at Ordnance Survey OpenData (link to be added as their server is overloaded!)

BUT, it does not include the 1:25,000 or 1:50,000 digital maps needed for the Who Owns Scotland website which will still cost me over £10,000 per year! So, no improvement on the existing 1930s one inch and quarter inch mapping I’m afraid which is a big disappointment. Full details of the proposed changes in the government’s response here.