Public Information for Lords and Ladies of Wildernesse
Reader of this blog will be familiar with Highland Titles and Wildcat Haven Enterprises. The latter, with the financial support of the former, took legal action against me for defamation and lost. Last year, I reported on the demise of Highland Titles Ltd. and its re-incarnation as Scottish Highlands Ltd. selling souvenir plots entitling purchases to style themselves Lords and Ladies of the Glen. Lords and Ladies of Glencoe are no more!
Having lost the defamation action and owing me over £60,000, I pursued Wildcat Haven Enterprises CIC for the debt. As a consequence, the Directors took action to wind up the company in a action of voluntary creditor liquidation which is still ongoing.
Wildcat Haven Enterprises CIC had sold thousands of souvenir plots and the “right” to style oneself Laird of Wilderness from a 4ha plot of land overlooking Loch Loyne gifted to them by Highland Titles in 2015 (map below).

It was this plot of land and the souvenir plot sales that I wrote about in the two blogs (Sep 2015 and Feb 2016) that were the subject of the legal action
Part of the job of the liquidator is to realise there assets of the company. Wildcat Haven Enterprises CIC only had one asset of any consequence which was the 4ha of land. I was asked by the liquidator whether I wanted this land.
It had occurred to me that I could have withdrawn my creditor claim by offering to take over Wildcat Haven Enterprises CIC. I could then have offered all the plot holders (the Lords and Ladies of Wilderness) the opportunity to acquire the company for a fee which, if enough of them took up the offer, would have gone some way to setting the company’s debt to me. In the process, the Lords and Ladies would have become real owners of their souvenir plots albeit buy virtue of their ownership of the company that owned the 4ha.
In the end I said, no thanks.
Instead, Scottish Highlands Ltd. bought the land for £12,500 in November 2023.
This leaves the Lords and Ladies of Wildernesse with a new landlord and raises some questions for them.
Can they now style themselves as Lords and Ladies of the Glen?
What happens to the personal right they had acquired from Wildcat Haven Enterprises CIC? Presumably it is now null and void (being a personal right).
Do they still have any legal right to their souvenir plot?
Were any of them consulted before the land they bought was sold to Scottish Highlands Ltd.?
Do any of them even care?
What appalling people. Do you think you will ever see anything of the money you are owed?
No. The liquidation account is in defect even after realising £12,500 in assets.
As for the Lords and Ladies of Wildernesse, it’s true that fools and their money are soon parted. I hope you can find a way to get the money you are owed.
Shocking tale all round. The real bottom of a disgraceful liberal land market that treats our precious and ultimately common land as a marketable commodity like soap. Shameful reflection on UK policy, legislation and politics over hundreds of years.
Sounds about right for behaviour I would expect from from such “entitled” people.
The utter guff they peddle should be made illegal. I wonder if the Tax authorities ever heard from them?
I notice that a certain Wildcat Haven CIC of St. Asaph in Wales is using Crowd Funder to raise money to object to a wind farm development at Clashindarroch. On the face of it, appealing to people to save habitat for wildcats and other species such as red squirrels, pine martens, water voles and bats seems laudable.
However, surely the name is too similar for there not to be a connection to WHE?
Wildcat Haven has existed form some time. Wildcat Haven Enterprises was established by the same people behind WH in order to raise funds via sale of souvenit plots.Following the award of expenses against them in my defamation case, WHE has now gone into administration owing me £60,000.